为了使专业课程更好地支撑岗位技能需要,八州水教育将于2013年6月正式引进来自北美的、经IECEA(国际幼教协会)专业认证的、国际最新“TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊”早教实践课程体系,该课程内容可让学员熟练掌握儿童早期教育教学法,全面接轨一线教学,带给学员全新的职业体验。学员经职业培训考试合格后,即可马上进入早教行业工作。同时,也满足了学员自己投资创办早教中心的需要。
正式引进“TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊”早教实践课程体系
经过6年的课程研发和运营培训,目前已培训出来自全国各地的学员数千名。八州水教育始终坚持实战教学模式,充分发挥学生的实际操作能力。为了使专业课程更好地支撑岗位技能需要,八州水教育将于2013年6月正式引进来自北美的、经IECEA(国际幼教协会)专业认证的、国际最新“TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊”早教实践课程体系,该课程内容可让学员熟练掌握儿童早期教育教学法,全面接轨一线教学,带给学员全新的职业体验。学员经职业培训考试合格后,即可马上进入早教行业工作。同时,也满足了学员自己投资创办早教中心的需要。

八州水教育副总裁同加拿大BC省(卑诗省)省长Gordon Compbell签署中加教育合作协议
全新课程将于2013年6月专业认证精英班应用,届时将在授课课程里全面导入“TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊”早教实践课程培训内容,为学员全面开启国际视野,掌握全球主流教学模式。
“TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊”早教课程介绍
Good Habits Start from TOLO BEAR!
TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊是来自北美加拿大拥有30年历史的一流早教品牌,2010正式进入中国。多乐小熊早教课程是由加拿大早教领域最专业的教研、教学团队研发,并长期致力于婴幼儿潜能,婴幼儿心理发育及发展、婴幼儿脑科学开发、婴幼儿营养科学的研究,使婴幼儿在心理、语言、运动等方面自然均衡的发展。为婴幼儿良好的生存能力奠定坚实的基础。
TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊早教课程是目前在中国唯一由早教多学科顶级专家共同评价认定的国际专业早教课程!该早教课程结合国内顶级早教专家的研发成果,致力于为家长和宝宝提供最专业、最实用、最生活化的早教指导,提供最适合中国孩子的早期教育。本着“将早期教育与日常生活相融合”的理念,多乐小熊生活化的课程体系将带给家长最惊喜的教养指导,陪伴孩子一起健康快乐的成长。
TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊拥有多年指导父母与孩子一起学习成长的经验。将继续以孩子为中心,以父母专业的教养方式为半径,为宝宝描绘太阳般温暖的未来而共同努力!
TOLO BEAR is a first-class early educational brand which being from North America and Canada has 30 years history and formally enters the Chinese market in 2010. The early educational courses of TOLO BEAR were researched and developed by the most professional team in the field of early education in Canada. It long-term commitments to researching the potential, the psychological development, the brain development and the nutritional science researching of infants and young children. All of these are conductive to naturally develop infants and young children’s abilities of psychology, language, movement and so forth. These will be lain a solid foundation for the good survivability of infants and young children.
TOLO BEAR which being the professional early educational brand in China was only evaluated and accepted by multidisciplinary top experts in the field of early education! The early educational courses have combined with the development of the domestic top experts of early education. These were engaged in providing the most professional, the most practical and the most life-style guidance of early education for babies and providing the most suitable early education for Chinese children. Combination of both early education and daily life is the first purpose of TOLO BEAR. The lively curriculum system will provide surprised education methods for parents. Through these methods, parents will accompany their babies to growth healthy and happily.
TOLO BEAR has many years of experience in guiding parents and children to grow together. TOLO BEAR will continue to try its best for babies’ better future.
“TOLO BEAR 多乐小熊”早教课程内容